The H

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The H

Hillary Clinton made her much-anticipated, much-expected official presidential run announcement this past week.  As is the case with political front-runners and pretty much anyone famous, she got quite the backlash as well.  Twitter, Facebook, and the rest of the social media world were flooded with comments and criticism, and even her supporters were saying WHAT?! to her logo.  The design elements were questionable, criticism was definitely earned, and it left us at Fazzari shaking our heads.

To be completely fair to Mrs. Clinton, there are some pretty bad logos out there in the presidential hopeful realm-Ted Cruz’s logo looks like it was pulled off a Natural Gas truck, or pasted from doing a web search for “fire logo” (really, try it…search “fire logo” then imagine what comes up colored red, white, and blue with a little star).  Then there is Marco Rubio, who chose lower case letters for his name, showing humility toward the American people, but then the teeny tiny United States shadow as the dot for his “i”….it looks like a whale on small print items, and has this “I’m bigger than the U.S.A.” feel to it.  However, since Mrs. Clinton is the candidate we all expect the most from, with her experience as a U.S. Senator, First Lady, her prior campaign, and U.S. Secretary of State, we’re going to really pick her logo apart.

After Mrs. Clinton made her big debut as a presidential hopeful, twitter was all abuzz, and a lot of it was not pretty.  We have spoken before about the importance of your logo representing your business, maybe Mrs. Clinton doesn’t read our blog!  One of the first things that crossed our minds was that her logo looks like a freeway sign for a hospital.  As she is the same political party as President Obama, sending the message that she is the hospital for the country?  Not exactly a great platform to run on.  Others commented that the red arrow was the Republican party, with the blue lines of the H being the Democrats…so Republicans running over or through the Democrats?  Again, not the message she should send to her supporters, and simply swapping the red and blue around would have made a big difference.  Let’s not even mention the nearly exact duplicate of the now defunct UK supermarket chain Hillards.

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Our positive take on it?  It is simple, even elementary; but at the same time it is instantly recognizable.  It is bold, the colors are definitely all-American, and the arrow infers action.  Hillary’s campaign has to be one of action-more often than not US citizens critique their president for lack of action.  Her arrow also signifies moving forward, moving ahead.  No matter your feel on President Obama, Americans are a people of action, and desire progress and growth.   Hillary Clinton is banking on conveying the message that she is the best, most experienced candidate for progression and growth; does her logo actually fit the bill?

It’s too late to change logos now, presidential hopefuls, but not too late to fill your campaign store with great merchandise.  Hey Hillary, Ted, Marco, and all other presidential hopefuls, contact us at Fazzari to give your supporters popular and innovative campaign merchandise; after all, we are Your Merchandise Authority!

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