Flip open your wallet and pull out the last few business cards you have received. Now lay them out on your desk next to your own business card. How does yours stack up? Is it flimsy? Does it represent your company well, with strong, vibrant colors? Were they an afterthought, with your logo slapped on one side, and your contact information on the other?
Often printed marketing materials are just that-an afterthought. “Oh hey, order us some business cards,” says the President to the Office Manager, with little thought put into it. The Office Manager goes online, picks a stock image, slaps in contact info, and along come 200 business cards that look like everyone else’s. Aren’t you better than everyone else? We think so too! Your business card can be the one and only representation of you and your company that you have to offer a potential client. You desire your first impression to lead to future business, and one of the easiest ways to do so is to offer a business card that your clients (existing and potential) will keep.
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Don’t forget your branding; your card should have your logo and your company’s color palette. The fonts you choose should also reflect your business. A funeral parlor shouldn’t have “Bradley Hand” as their font, nor should a cupcake company use Times New Roman! Your business cards should be the embodiment of your business. Contact us at Fazzari for help in designing and creating your new, professional cards.