Many times, when speaking of our company, I find myself struggling to explain exactly what “Branded Merchandise” is. After my brief description, the response is generally something like, “Oh, so you sell pens”. Often, a person’s perception of branded merchandise falls in line directly with whatever their last received logoed item was. Many times, that particular item is a pen. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving pens as your gifted item or tradeshow giveaway. In fact, pens are one of the most traveled pieces of branded merchandise there is; they are definitely the most likely to change hands more than once. However, there is so much more out there to offer than a pen if you are looking for innovative, exciting product that will help your clients (potential and existing) think of you first when they are shopping for your product or service.
On our Facebook page, we highlight several times a day; different merchandise that is innovative, or fits into a theme or category that our clients should be considering ordering for. For instance, for a full week at the beginning of September we focused on pink product for Breast Cancer Awareness, and also spotlighted a few of our suppliers who are offering a direct donation to a Breast Cancer Research fund with purchase of their product. Following that, we highlighted the following: “patch” tumbler, rechargeable flashlight, survival kit, flavor-it glass water bottle, performance jacket, Halloween bags, 12oz kids cups with lid and straw, charging station, pop-up speaker, greeting cards, gift boxes, 4pc wine set in a wood chess case, and a leather catchall. Whew! That’s a lot more than “just a pen”, although we did post a very nice pink rhinestone pen for Breast Cancer Awareness. As you can see, partnering with a company able to uncover obscure, innovative product, is a great partnership to make. Sometimes when you want a mug, it is difficult to choose-there are thousands out there. Don’t spend your time flipping through images on Google, when you have Fazzari to turn to. We will find you several mugs-and possibly a tumbler or two!
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Please take a moment to “Like” us on Facebook-we will keep you posted on discounts we are offering, highlight some great product, and remind you of upcoming events that you may want to have branded merchandise for.